The Seasons Integrative Trauma Treatment Model (STM)

The Seasons Integrative Trauma Treatment Model (STM) is a program for care that focuses on core traumatic experiences. STM has shown a great improvement in functioning for those that graduate from our recommended program.

The behavioral and emotional impairments that affect our lives are often not repaired because the original trauma was never healed. These events get re-created and can cause further disruption in daily functioning. STM allows for a client to safely move through these processes without the fear, re-triggering or re-traumatization.

The Beach Cottage at Seasons in Malibu offers up to 65 one-on-one sessions a month for the client. This critical piece of therapeutic response allows for an abundance of focused programming that takes individual and diverse needs into consideration. Each client works through a series of therapeutic “stages” that allow for a concrete and clear resolution. The goal is to integrate adaptive emotional tools so that an individual does not have to suffer emotionally anymore.

How Do I Know If I’m Suffering from Trauma

There are a variety of trauma symptoms that present differently for each person. Some symptoms of trauma include:


  • Uncertainty about the reliability and predictability of the world
  • Problems with boundaries
  • Distress and suspiciousness
  • Social isolation
  • Interpersonal difficulties
  • Difficulty attuning to other people’s emotional state
  • Difficulty with perspective taking
  • Difficulty enlisting other people as allies


  • Sensorimotor developmental problems
  • Hypersensitivity to physical contact
  • Analgesia (the inability to feel pain)
  • Problems with concentration, balance, body tone
  • Difficulties localizing skin contact
  • Somatization (the production of recurrent and multiple medical symptoms with no discernible organic cause)
  • Increased medical problems across a wide span, e.g. pelvic pain, asthma, skin problems, autoimmune disorders, pseudo seizures

Affect Regulation

  • Difficulty with emotional self-regulation
  • Difficulty describing feelings and internal experience
  • Problems with knowing and describing internal states
  • Difficulty communicating wishes and desires

Behavioral control

  • Poor modulation of impulses
  • Self-destructive behavior
  • Aggression against others
  • Pathological self-soothing behaviors
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Eating disorders
  • Substance abuse
  • Excessive compliance
  • Oppositional behavior
  • Difficulty understanding and complying with rules
  • Communication of traumatic past by reenactment in day-to-day behavior or play (Sexual, aggressive, etc.)


  • Difficulties in attention regulation and executive functioning
  • Lack of sustained curiosity
  • Problems with processing novel information
  • Problems focusing on and completing tasks
  • Problems with object constancy
  • Difficulty planning and anticipating
  • Problems understanding one’s own contribution to what happens to them
  • Learning difficulties
  • Problems with language development
  • Problems with orientation in time and space
  • Acoustic and visual perceptual problems
  • Impaired comprehension of complex visual-spatial patterns


  • Lack of a continuous, predictable sense of self
  • Poor sense of separateness
  • Disturbances of body image
  • Low self-esteem
  • Shame and guilt

Additional Symptoms

  • Shock, including numbed emotions and/or questioning your memory
  • Denial
  • Feelings of helplessness
  • Fear of dying or being abandoned
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Numbness
  • Panic
  • Dissociation or feeling disconnected from yourself
  • Feeling that the world is not real or is distorted
  • Unwanted thoughts, including flashbacks to traumatic memories
  • Feelings of loss of control
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Physical pain, including migraines or nausea


  • Distinct alterations in states of consciousness
  • Amnesia
  • Depersonalization and Derealization
  • Two or more distinct states of consciousness, with impaired memory for state-based event

The Seasons Method takes into account the specific needs of the individual and insures a high level of stabilization while working through difficult processes. At the Beach Cottage, the client moves toward trauma resolution in a supportive social environment and establishes a much stronger positive prognosis for successful recovery.

If you or a loved one needs trauma treatment, please call one of our caring, admissions counselors now for a free, no-obligation and confidential conversation about how The Beach Cottage at Seasons in Malibu can help.

Let’s Talk 424-235-2009

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The Beach Cottage at Seasons In Malibu

Mental Health Treatment Center
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